Thursday, 7 February 2019


I want to say that there should be not much difference between the home and the church. We must endeavor to keep the home holy, just as we keep the church holy. After-all, we are one and the same people both in the church and at home.

The book of Acts in chapter 2 teaches us that the spiritual activity of the believers did not begin in a church building….it began in homes.

There needs to be a RESTORATION of the home…where spiritual activity takes place in the home first then the church. If no spiritual activity happens in the home, the family members’ hearts will certainly grow cold. They will be lukewarm and indifferent to the things of the Lord.

I want you to understand that when you walk into your house realize, it is the sanctuary of God. You don’t leave God at church, He is right there in the home. Take time, daily, to worship Him, right there in the home together as a family, encouraging one another.  


The Presence of God should dwell in your home.

1. The home as God intended must be lighthouse for Jesus.

2. The father is the high priest of the home. Fathers let’s rise up and take this position from now onward.

3. The home must be a place of regular spiritual activity.

4. The home must be a place to worship God as a family

5. The home must be a place of peace. Jesus is the Prince of peace. If He doesn’t reign in the home, Satan will.

Jesus isn’t just Lord on Sundays. Let Him own your home too. Have a daily routine of family worship. Our children learn from observing us. If they never see us gather together in the home for worship, they will less likely value God and the things of God. For many people, family worship calls for sacrifice, but the benefits far outweigh the cost.

Here’s a good starting place:

1. You must be convinced that this is something you need. Without this conviction, it will be impossible to gather together for worship in the home.

2. It begins with the father as the head of the household. Wives, don't demand that your husband start leading the family into worship. It needs to come from him. Pray that your husband will see the light.

3. Plan well ahead of time to have a flexible time where all family members can gather. If you gather for three consecutive weeks you will discover that this becomes your family habit.

4. Hold a simple service. No need for keyboards and guest preachers. Avoid complicated songs if you aren’t used to them.

5. Encourage participation. Allow your kids to fully express themselves and to ask questions. Take turns to lead or to conduct the session.

6. Be short as well as serious.

7. Make it mandatory for every member of the household.

Scripture: Joshua 24:15  “…choose you this day whom ye will serve; …but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

Farayi Muzari

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