Ungodly soul-ties, if not broken, can ruin a person’s life.
An ungodly soul tie: Is a demonic bridge between two souls were demons can freely traffic between two parties. It is a channel of curses and negative destructive forces.
You create a soul tie with every person you sleep with. This means, you become one flesh with every person you sleep with. Holy scriptures tell us that you become one flesh with a prostitute by having sex with a prostitute. Modern science tells us that when you have sex with someone, you are really having sex with the last seven people they had sex with.
Thus, through pre-marital, or extra-marital, sex you open a highway to hell for all the spiritual baggage carried by the person you are having sex with.
There are many repercussions that come with the created ungodly soul tie: your relationship with God is interfered with; your Godly marital union is interfered with; you are harassed with guilt and condemnation; your finances will be affected; your destiny is aborted; you become demonized; etc.
However, there’s good news, Jesus can set you free from the power of ungodly soul ties. Apostle Farayi Muzari suggests that you take the following seven steps to break any ungodly soul tie:
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Experiencing Total Deliverance [Part 4] Breaking Ungodly Soul-Ties |
2. CONFESS SINS & RECEIVE FORGIVENESS. It’s not enough to say no sin, you must ask God to forgive you of your sin. You must also receive God’s forgiveness. Don’t let the devil to tell you that you aren’t good enough. Once God forgives you, don’t walk in self condemnation.
3. VERBALLY RENOUNCE THE SOUL-TIE. To renounce is to come out of agreement. Verbally come out of agreement with the soul tie with your own words. There’s power in confession. Mountains are moved through confession.
4. FORGIVE THE OTHER FROM YOUR HEART. If you got into a soul-tie with someone without your consent, you must forgive that person for the wrong done to you. Unforgiveness is a barrier to becoming free from ungodly soul ties. It prevents God from giving you His grace as you seek to be free.
5. GET RID OF ANY TOKENS. Tokens are all those things given you by the person you are tied to like gifts, photos, mementoes, etc. All such things represent the person you are tied to. Keeping them with you is keeping the relationship intact. Spirits coming through those tokens.
6. COMMAND EVERY REMAINING DEMON TO LEAVE. Here you probably need someone who can cast out those demons from your life. Many people jump to this step without going through the preceding steps. It doesn’t work that way. That why demons keep coming back.
7. RENEW YOUR MIND. Fill your mind with Godly thoughts. All sin starts with the mind. Don’t entertain evil thoughts. Guard your mind by turning from all appearance of evil.
Heavenly Father, I recognize that I have an ungodly soul-tie with … I confess and repent of my sin of being in bondage to another person. I forgive … for their involvement in this sin. I ask You to forgive me and to wash all sin and guilt from me with Your blood. I now receive Your forgiveness and I forgive myself for participating in this sin. In the name of Jesus Christ, I break this ungodly soul tie between me and … and I cut myself off from every evil thing coming to me through them. Lord, please remove anything that has come into me through this soul tie. Please restore to me anything godly that has been stolen from me. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I thank You. Amen.
After verbally doing the prayers sometimes a series of circumstances need to be outworked before freedom and blessings can come. Sometimes when one prays, the result can be immediate, but more often than not, it needs to be outworked through a series of trials and tribulations ... for more information call +263 773 190178 and +263 713 437765. Also remember to visit our conference:
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Experiencing Total Deliverance [Part 1] Deliverance From The Spirit Of Barrenness |
Dates: 11-15 October 2017
Times: Morning - 0900Hrs and Evenings - 1800HrsSpeakers: Apostle P. Sibiya, Apostle N. Nyamazana, Apostle E. Nyamuruma, Apostle N. Kaja, Apostle A. Chibanda and many more ...
Venue: BIG SHADE - Opposite St Mary's Clinic.
Theme: Basics Of Deliverance
The purpose of this dynamic conference is to educate attendees on demonic activities in people’s lives and help them to get free as well as helping them free others from demonic grip.
Scriptures tell us that ‘if we are ignorant of demonic activities satan takes advantage over us’ (I Corinthians 2:11). People do not remain in bondage because there aren’t answers, no!
People remain in bondage because they are ignorant of the solutions or how they can access their freedom. Many people, unknown to them, have many demons operating in their lives.
This is why some people go through unexplainable things. Some have sicknesses that cannot be medically explained. Some, though highly learned, can’t get a job. Some suffer heartbreak after heartbreak.
The truth is, those people are under various degrees of demonic bondage. What most people need is deliverance. Deliverance is the process of accessing freedom from demonic activity. Without deliverance many people will continue suffering no matter how ‘good’ they might be.
Rsvp: +263 773 190178 and +263 713 437765
Who Is Apostle Farayi Muzari: Apostle Farayi Muzari Is The Founder and President of Kingdom Fellowship Ministries International Which Is Headquartered in St. Mary’s Chitungwiza - Kingdom Fellowship Ministries International (KFMI)
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