Sunday, 13 January 2019

10 Golden Rules For Relating With In-laws

1. Glean wisdom from them. 

As a young person you might have knowledge but with no experience.  Even, the man who saw God faced to face, Moses, had to glean wisdom from his father-in-law, Jethro, which brought about tremendous changes in his life and work (see Exodus 18:15-24). There’s something about gray hairs that we need to respect.

2. Avoid living with them. 

If you must live with them, do so for a short term only. As a couple you need privacy. You certainly won’t be able to spend quality time with your spouse when you got in-laws around you. At the same time, though you are now married your parents will still treat you as children and this might result in conflicts as they might interfere with your plans, etc.

10 Golden Rules For Relating With In-laws

3. Avoid being overly dependent on them. 

Many-a-times, people you depend on will try to control you.

4. Separate from them but maintain vital relationships. 

If they become a hindrance to relationship with spouse move away. However, in some cases you may be a caregiver in their elder years. Go ahead and do so. God will honor this. (see
Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:3-6 and Ephesians 5:28-33)

5. Never share intimate problems with parents 

– the parents will side with their child and it will hurt relationship your with your spouse.

6. Avoid commenting unnecessarily on the weaknesses of in-laws.   

It will be an affront to your spouse.  They will take it personally.  Let your spouse correct and deal with such issues – it will be easier for them rather than yourself.

7. Never compare wife’s cooking, etc. to moms (or dad’s abilities with husband). 

Remember, you are married to your spouse and not to your parents.

8. Pray for family members and allow your life to be an example of a true believer.   

They may only get to heaven because of your prayers. (see Exodus 18:9-12)

9. Respect your in-laws as elders.  

Honor them as you would your own parents. (see Ephesians 6:1-3 and 1 Timothy 5:1). 

10. Avoid favoritism.   

Endeavor to give equal time and love when possible.  Wives usually are the ones who buy presents.  Make sure you take care of his parents too.

Farayi Muzari

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