Wednesday, 23 January 2019

Keep The Fire Burning – Open Letter To Husbands & Wives

Last year, our marriage hit hard rocks, but I thank God for our councilors who helped us overcome the setbacks we faced. Now, we are getting stronger and stronger as days progresses. 

Let me share with you part of the wisdom we gleaned and I’ll do so in the form of a story.

Keep The Fire Burning In Marriage
A proverbial story is told of the husband whose wife suffered a severe cough each successive month of their marriage? Here's how it progresses:

First month: “Sweetie, this cough is making you mighty uncomfortable. Allow me to take you, baby girl, to the doctor to get rid of that nasty cough?”

Second month: “Darling, that cough seems to be getting worse. Go see the doctor.”

Third month: “You'd better lie down, dear, and rest with that cough before the baby wakes up.”

Fourth month: “My dear, do something about that cough before it gets any worse.”

Fifth month: “Hey now. Don’t act like a child. Just take some pain killers and you'll be all right. By the
way, how about ironing these clothes for me to wear today?”

Sixth month: “Would you do something about that cough instead of barking like a dog?”

Seventh month: “Woman, do something about that cough. You are now annoying me!”

Eighth month: “Hey you, wouldn’t it be better for you to go stay with your parents, so they take care of you until you’ve dealt with your cough?”

It's true…if we're not careful, we can move from concern for our spouse to concern only or ourselves. But things don't have to fall apart after the honeymoon. Commit yourselves to spending time each day together in God's Word. Open the
“instruction manual” and find out how this beautiful thing called marriage is supposed to work. Ask God to restore that
“First month” sense of excitement to your marriage. That's just what He's waiting to do.

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