Saturday, 5 January 2019

Zimbabwe – What’s Wrong? ... Let The Spiritual Leaders Arise! (Part 2)

Hi, my name is Farayi Muzari, I'm a father of two. I'm concerned about the state of affairs in our nation, Zimbabwe, and the silence of our spiritual leaders.

Most of spiritual leaders know the truth, but for fear of being discriminated, has chosen to take the back sit. Those that are speaking, like Dr. Prophet Blessing Chiza, are not being listened to, or taken seriously.

Instead, everyone is pointing fingers at the other person. Believers are complaining about unbelievers. This political party is blaming that political party. But in 2 Chronicles 15, we see that the Israelites did not seek the true God. That was their first problem, and it is our problem in our nation as well.
The second problem Israel faced, which led to their decay, was a lack of teaching priests. 2 Chronicles 15:3, 5–6 says, “For many days Israel was without the true God and without a teaching priest and without law…. In those times there was no peace to him who went out or to him who came in, for many disturbances afflicted all the inhabitants of the lands... for God troubled them with every kind of distress.”
Zimbabwe – What’s Wrong? ... Let The Spiritual Leaders Arise! (Part 2)
Again, the text doesn’t say there were no priests at all. But the priests had stopped teaching the truth. They had traded enlightenment for entertainment. Worship had degenerated into a social club. The church was no longer the epicenter of all life and conscience of the culture, calling people to take God seriously.
Israel was suffering from an absence of spiritual leaders who took seriously the authority of Scripture for all of life. Too often today, pastors preach to please. They fear that someone might say, “Well, I didn’t like that sermon.” But if the pastor preached God’s Word, that’s the wrong response. The issue is whether it was true, not whether it was popular. Politicians need to be popular. Preachers need to tell the truth. The issue of truth is all-important. The lack of truth leads to a “conscienceless” society. People become anesthetized in their conscience, losing their sense of right and wrong. In such a society every person becomes a law unto himself or herself, so chaos rules.

Yet in a world where everybody’s truth is true, and everyone’s answers are right, nobody’s truth is true, and no one’s answers end up being right. When a society loses truth, it loses meaning, because people are never really sure about anything.

There’s only one standard of truth: the changeless word of the one, true God. Let’s rid ourselves of all alternate standards of truth that vie for our attention. Let’s get back to God’s Word as it is the only source of truth. Our pastors need to keep focused on the truth of God’s Word. They need to tell the truth as it is without fear and the curse afflicting us as a nation will be lifted.

Scripture: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1)

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