Tuesday, 2 May 2017

8 Crucial Lessons I Learnt In The Past Eight Years By Apostle Farayi Muzari

1. You must have a spiritual father: The importance of spiritual fathers cannot be overemphasized. Almost every great person in the Bible had a spiritual father. Paul had Barnabas, Timothy had Paul, Elisha had Elijah, Moses had Jethro, etc. All these men did great exploits due to the spiritual guidance and covering they got from their spiritual fathers. To do well in life and in ministry you must have a spiritual father. God uses spiritual fathers to release spiritual inheritance to His children. Inheritance is for sons. Elisha received the anointing that rested upon his spiritual father, Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-10). I have learnt, through my relationship with my spiritual father, Apostle Pride Sibiya, that, your greatest successes in life are directly linked to your relationship with your spiritual father. This is because God blesses sons through their fathers.

2. A strong marriage is key to success in life: Your success in life is in direct relation to the wellbeing of your marriage. There’s an old adage which says, “Behind every successful man is a successful wife.” In everything, two are better than one, thus, if people have strong marriages they can do far better in life than what they would do as singles. Strong marriages are the basis for strong churches and societies. There’s a great moral decline in western nations because, in that part of the world, marriage is seen as a burden not as a blessing. This has also weakened the church, especially the American church.
8 Crucial Lessons I Learnt In The Past Eight Years By Apostle Farayi Muzari
3. Nothing in life is as important as working for God: God created us for nothing more than serving Him. We are here on His assignment. There’s no better job than working for the Creator of the universe. Working for blue chip companies might be great but, working for God is even greater. Working for anyone else has temporary rewards but, working for God has eternal rewards. Jesus was a great carpenter but he chose to do God’s work. He said, “I must be at my Father’s business.” However, working for God doesn’t mean that we will all leave our jobs and become priests. Though everyone is called into ministry, not everyone has a calling to do full time ministry. Some should do lay ministry (part-time ministry). You can work for God whilst doing your own business. Jesus said, “As you go, preach the gospel” (Mathew 28:19).

4. God makes everything beautiful at the right time: Eight years ago, when I started out ministry work, I expected everything good thing to happen all at once. Within a few months of launching the church I wanted to have a big sound system, a powerful worship team, a mega church, loyal sons and daughters, etc. I prayed and fasted to see these things as soon as possible. However, things didn’t turn out as I anticipated. I experienced serious setbacks and challenges to the point of desiring to quit than to soldier on. Thanks to the counseling and support I got from my spiritual father, Apostle Pride Sibiya, and other ministers and friends. The delays I faced taught me many lessons. Sometimes we think we can handle certain things but God knows better than us. Sometimes God keeps ‘good’ things from us in order to protect us. Right now, I’m seeing God blessing me with things I prayed for eight years ago. Let’s learn to wait upon the Lord.

5. Everything rises and falls on leadership: I believe, we have no bad followers but bad leaders. I believe we have no bad players but bad coaches. I believe we have no bad congregates but bad pastors. This seems harsh but it’s true. The challenge with many leaders, be it parents, or pastors, or bosses at work, is that few people likes to take the blame. Most leaders blame their followers for their lack of performance. Personally, I used to think I was always right until I was made to know that there are many things about me that needs to change if the church I lead is going to grow. We have many bad leaders and that is why our homes, offices, business are in chaos. we have highly anointed men who fell drastically because they lacked in leadership. We must strive to develop our leadership skills if our homes and organizations are going to produce meaningful results.

6. Excellence is the highway to success: Success has no place for the mediocre and the ordinary. Many highly talented people have fallen into defeat because of their casual approach to life. Some churches are stagnant and some have since closed doors because the leadership failed to pursue excellence and people stopped coming. People don’t like enduring bad preaching. They don’t like sub-standard things and services. If you will not pursue excellence in this age you will not make progress in life. You have to pay the price for excellence. There’s no short cut to success. We have to continue upgrading ourselves and the way we do things or else we will be rolled out of ministry.

7. Your ‘green pasture’ is where God places you: God taught me this important lesson several years ago. I used to like going ‘where things are happening’ only to see myself being frustrated where everyone seemed to be making it. At first, I thought it was some misfortune only to realize that I was wrongly positioned. I’ve learnt that the best place I can ever be is where God placed me. The best work I can ever do is work that God called me to do. Doing what God called you for gives you satisfaction and guarantees God’s continuous support. God doesn’t fund our missions but His mission for our lives. We must do things because everyone is doing those things but we must follow the leading of the Holy Spirit if we are to experience success in our endeavors. Elijah the prophet didn’t suffered hunger in a time of famine because he was simply following God’s leading and his pastures were always green.
8 Crucial Lessons I Learnt In The Past Eight Years By Apostle Farayi Muzari

8. Sacrifice is the key to progress: The gospel has reached this part of the world because of men and women who sacrificed their lives for the sack of the gospel. Some even lost their lives in the process. Zimbabwe, and many African countries, won independence from colonial rule through sacrifices of people who were ready to die for freedom. At school, I came out with good grades because I sacrificed my sleep reading and studying. Sacrifice, though it is painful, it is the key to progress in any area of life. You can have or become all you want as long as you are ready to pay the price

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