To many, all-night prayers are hard, tiresome and not so
important programs. Many Christians struggle to pray that long, mostly because
they don’t appreciate the need for such sacrifice. As such, all-night prayers
are sometimes the most poorly attended church programs.
However, this shouldn’t be so. We ought to do all-night
prayers often and I will show you why.
First, let’s consider Jesus, our perfect model for prayer,
who often prayed for extended periods including having all-night prayers. Luke
6:12 says, “And it came to pass in those days that He (Jesus) went out to a
mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God.” This should
challenge us to do all-night prayers especially when, like Jesus, we are faced
with major decisions and we seek divine guidance. Surely, we can’t know better
than Jesus and we can’t be more spiritual than Him to the extent of saying we
don’t need to pray all-night.
Secondly, we got many things to address in prayer and we,
therefore, need to spend more time in prayer. Yes, we may never fully exhaust
all our prayer points in a single session of prayer, but all-night prayers give
us opportunity to at least deal with most issues concerning us in prayer to our
Father. I believe quantity of time is crucial in prayer. This is why Jesus
rebuked his disciples for failing to watch with Him for at least an hour as He
was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane (see Matt 26:40).
Thirdly, the extra sacrifice we make praying all night
certainly moves the heart of God. God values sacrifice and when He see us go an
extra mile in serving Him, He has no choice but to release a blessing upon us. It
takes real sacrifice to pray all night as our flesh will be weak and sleepy. Among
other things, when we do all-night prayers, we show God that we are committed
to Him and that we have placed our trust in Him. It also shows God how bad we
desire something that we let go our comfort and cry all night before Him.
Finally, we must realize that there is intense spiritual
activity which happens at night whilst we are sleeping. Many people are
bewitched at night. Satan and his agents attack us at a time when we are the
most vulnerable and that is usually in our sleep. Jesus said that night is the
time when the enemy comes to sow tares (Matthew 13:25). As such, when we pray
all night, we are bound to receive our greatest victories there.
I will give two examples here. First, in Acts 12, Herod
bound Peter and threw him in prison planning to kill him laterwards but the
church hosted an all-night prayer seeking God’s intervention and God
miraculously released Peter from the prison using the ministry of an angel. The
second example is found in Acts 16, where Paul and Silas who were also imprisoned
conducted a night prayer session and at midnight, as they were worshipping, God
intervened with an unusual earthquake which flew open the prison doors leading
to their release.
I call you to a life of doing all-night prayer sessions as
often as you can.
Farayi Muzari
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All are invited |
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